libvot  0.1.3
A C++11 multithread library for image retrieval
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
  srcLibvot source code
  benchmarkBenchmark tests
 oxford5k.cppProgram to compute mAP of Oxford5k dataset (exe)
  examplesExecutable files and demo programs
 compute_stats.cppCompute statistics of the retrieval results (exe)
 euclidean_matrix.cppEuclidean matrix completion (exe)
 graph_partition.cppGraph partition example (exe)
 image_search.cppImage retrieval demo program (exe)
 libvot_feature.cppLibvot feature generater (exe)
 query_expansion.cppQuery expansion on the image graph (exe)
 sequence_match.cppGenerate sequential match pair (exe)
 svt.cppSingular value threshold (immature)
 web_search.cppImage search interface specifically used for single image query (exe)
  featureFeature-related files, such as APIs and libvot own feature development
 opencv_libvot_api.cppLibvot-side APIs of opencv feature implementation
 opencv_libvot_api.hLibvot-side APIs of opencv feature
 vlfeat_libvot_api.cppLibvot-side APIs of vlfeat feature implementation
 vlfeat_libvot_api.hLibvot-side APIs of vlfeat feature
  image_graphSimple image graph folder
 image_graph.cppSimple image graph implementation
 image_graph.hSimple image graph
  utilsUtility toolbox for dealing with file I/O and low-level APIs
 data_structures.cppData structures used in libvot implementation
 data_structures.hData structures used in libvot
 data_types.hInternal data types (structs and classes) used in libvot
 global_params.cppGlobal parameters and utility functions implementation
 global_params.hGlobal parameters and utility functions
 io_utils.cppI/O utilities implementations
 io_utils.hI/O utilities
  vocab_treeVocabulary tree engine
 clustering.cppClustering algorithms, such as k-means, implementations
 clustering.hClustering algorithms, such as k-means
 vocab_tree.cppVocabulary tree functions implementations
 vocab_tree.hVocabulary tree functions
 vot_pipeline.cppVocabulary tree pipeline implementation
 vot_pipeline.hVocabulary tree pipeline, including training, building and querying
 libvot_config.hConfigurations file generated by CMake