libvot  0.1.3
A C++11 multithread library for image retrieval
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NtwNamespace tw is mostly related to some utility functions developed by the repository owner, Tianwei Shen
 CIOTo safely read and write files
 CSiftDataSift data structure used in libvot
 CUnionFindUnion-find data structure, used in various graph algorithms
 CVlFeatParamParameter struct used in calling vlfeat sift function
 CVlfeatureStruct containing the data of vlfeat features
 NvotNamespace vot contains libvot functions and classes
 CGlobalParamGlobal parameters
 CImageCountThis class contains a index for an image and a count for image
 CImageGraphImage graph class
 CImageNodeImage node used in image graph class
 CLinkEdgeEdge struct used in image graph class
 CTreeInNodeThe interior node class of the tree
 CTreeLeafNodeThe leaf node class of the tree
 CTreeNodeThe virtual class of tree node
 CVocabTreeThe vocabulary tree class. The depth of the root is 0. The depth of the leaf nodes is depth+1